Frequently Asked Questions

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A professional trading and investment firm, Bull Hedgefund focuses on CFDs, binary options, forex, and cryptocurrencies. We are a team of skilled, educated, and technically knowledgeable financiers. We actively track and trade CFDs, binary options, and the currency market. The majority of customer deposits are kept in airtight cold storage offline. We only maintain what is necessary for active trading online, considerably reducing risk and exposure. Our auditing tools keep an eye on all activities 24/7/365. Before any questionable conduct turns into a problem, it is their responsibility to report it and block it. We are firmly rooted in the community and value honesty and openness. We are dedicated to providing excellent service and being honest. We let our service speak for itself. Whatever money you deposit in Bull Hedgefund is just employed to support trading on your account. We don't use fractional reserves like banks do.

We provide individuals and businesses a world class experience to earn weekly/monthly passive income or otherwise decide to compound profits for improved returns. The more money you deposit, the more money you make. The profit is generated from trading cryptocurrencies as well as forex, CFDs, binary options in registered exchanges.
Bull Hedgefund is a legal investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom.
Any client can have any number of accounts they wish to as long as they keep them funded.
On your initial withdrawal, you must pay a one-time withdrawal fee.


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